Manage During Uncertain Times – Outsource Your Safety Needs
Are we heading for a recession? Lately, we’re all hearing news and talk about the possibility of the US going into a recession. Economists have varied opinions on whether a recession is likely in the coming year or beyond. Most believe that any recession will be short-lived.
However, with uncertainty on the horizon, many companies are considering cutting costs and looking to potentially eliminate positions. Regardless of what happens, it’s important that safety remain a priority.
Especially for the construction industry, safety should not be overlooked in an attempt to downsize or save money. Often in the industry, safety directors and programs tend to get cut first. On-site safety directors may also wear many hats and not be completely focused on safety procedures and regulations. Don’t let safety staffing and procedures be overlooked due to a lack of staffing and focus.
Having an external third-party resource help maintain safety standards and training will reduce or eliminate the potential for accidents and injuries and keep you compliant with OSHA standards.
Further, OSHA fines are becoming more costly every year. Currently, a single OSHA violation could cost as much as $14,502. And the Biden Administration has widely supported greater OSHA oversight and inspections across industries, including construction.
Rather than doing without safety coverage, consider outsourcing some or all of your safety needs. You’ll save time and money while keeping your employees safe.
There are many reasons to continue to use a third-party safety consulting firm during these times.
In addition to saving time and money and keeping employees safe, there are many reasons why having a third-party safety provider can be a great benefit. An outsourced safety consultant possesses a greater level of diverse expertise and training and can be more flexible in terms of fulfilling your overall company needs.
Outsourcing Savings: Time, Money, Project delays, Fines, Peace of mind, Ability to manage through a business downturn or recession, Timely reporting to OSHA, Up-to-date training for staff, Flexibility to manage safety programs as needed, Mobility of a consultant vs. full time staff person
Having a flexible resource can make it easier to financially weather any business ups and downs. During a business downturn, you are still paying a full-time safety employee’s salary and costly benefits, without the scheduling flexibility you could leverage with an outsourced safety consultant.
Plus, you’ll have greater peace of mind knowing that a safety consulting partner is up-to-date on all OSHA required filings and has the most current training information.
Compliance Consultants, Inc. has been providing third-party safety expertise to businesses since 1987. Give us a call to find out how we can develop a safety plan to help you navigate these uncertain times.
Call us a 610-237-7100, or online at info@ccicimply.net.