Safety Consulting Services
It’s not always possible to have health and safety expertise in-house. If you have a specific need, Compliance Consultants, Inc. (CCI) can provide safety consulting services on a project-by-project basis to proactively improve your program or respond to a single issue.
Although this is not an exhaustive list, here are some of the specific consulting services we provide.
Workplace Safety and Health Hazard Assessments
Our safety professionals will audit your workplace, determine the hazards that your employees are exposed to, and make recommendations on what controls should be in place to keep your employees safe and your business OSHA compliant. Safety Inspections are well worth the time investment.
Safety Committee Implementation and Management
A dedicated safety professional will assist you in getting a Workplace Safety Committee started, attend meetings, offer professional consulting, and provide necessary documentation. In Pennsylvania, CCI can assist in the certification process to gain the Workers’ Compensation premium discount offered through the PA Department of Labor and Industry.
Safety Program Review
Already have a written Health and Safety Program but you’re not sure if it meets current regulatory requirements? CCI safety professionals will review the program and provide recommendations.
OSHA Inspection and Abatement Assistance
In the event of an OSHA inspection, a CCI representative can immediately respond to your worksite and represent you throughout the whole process. We will work with your team every step of the way, including scheduling and participating in an informal conference.
OSHA 300 Injury/Illness Recordkeeping Services
Determining whether an injury or illness is “recordable” can be difficult. A CCI safety professional will assist in the determination of recordable injuries/illnesses, fill out the OSHA 300A, submit online injury tracking information (if required), and provide a complete graphical report comparing your business TRIR and DART rates with the national average over the last five years.
Incident Investigation
Should an injury, incident, or near miss occur at your worksite, a safety professional will conduct an incident investigation and provide a report of their findings and recommendations to prevent recurrence.
Fall Protection Equipment Annual Inspection
CCI will provide a competent person to conduct an annual inspection of all company-owned fall protection equipment.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Hazard Assessments
A CCI safety professional will conduct a hazard assessment as required by OSHA to determine the hazards employees are exposed to and the personal protective equipment (PPE) necessary to keep them safe.
Get our Pennsylvania State Workplace Safety Committee Guide
Effective workplace safety committees are a proven tool in reducing workplace injuries and illnesses. Plus, they can save your company 5% annually on its workers’ compensation premiums. This detailed, step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of starting a committee and applying for certification.