Jobsite Safety Inspections: A Simple Path to Safety
One of the first steps in keeping your workplace safe and free of hazards is to have Facility and/or Jobsite Safety & Health Inspections completed on a regular basis. The person performing the inspection should be someone who is specially trained in health and safety. These trained specialists have the experience and expertise to recognize existing and potential threats to your employees that may exist throughout your facility. Workplace jobsite inspections are a cost-effective way to help you eliminate situations that put your employees in immediate danger, thereby preventing work-related catastrophes and fatalities.
There are many aspects to a safety and health jobsite inspection. Inspectors look for posting of mandatory jobsite notices, fire safety, safety maintenance hazards, chemical hazards, and machine equipment hazards to mention just a few. Ongoing jobsite safety inspections will develop a useful and practical analysis of safety issues at your facility. A written inspection report can help keep you on track with workplace circumstances that need immediate attention to keep work areas safe and injury free. Completed written inspection reports can also be used to refer back to, to see if previous unsafe conditions were dealt with. Each inspection report should list a recommended corrective action that should take place in a timely manner. Remember, the best defense against loss and injury is a thorough understanding of all the risks and potential hazards within your company.
This information is provided as a service to you by Compliance Consultants, Inc.