OSHA Required Annual Refresher Training
Compliance Consultants, Inc. administers the following OSHA Required Annual Refresher Trainings for employers who fall under any of these following categories. Employers must provide their employees these corresponding trainings on an annual basis.
Now is the time to start planning and scheduling these required refresher trainings. And, the winter months are the best time for your employees to take refresher training classes! Please contact us today to learn more on how to develop a Refresher Training Program to best meet the needs of your business.
You can reach us by submitting this contact form or by calling or e-mailing us at (610) 237 – 7100 or info@ccicomply.net!
Don’t wait to schedule these programs and make sure that your workplace is safe and compliant.

Respiratory Protection 1910.134(k), 1910.134(f)
Training and information
This paragraph requires the employer to provide effective training to employees who are required to use respirators. The training must be comprehensive, understandable, and recur annually, and more often if necessary. This paragraph also requires the employer to provide the basic information on respirators in Appendix D of this section to employees who wear respirators when not required by this section or by the employer to do so.
An employer who is able to demonstrate that a new employee has received training within the last 12 months that addresses the elements specified in paragraph (k)(1)(i) through (vii) is not required to repeat such training provided that, as required by paragraph (k)(1), the employee can demonstrate knowledge of those element(s). Previous training not repeated initially by the employer must be provided no later than 12 months from the date of the previous training.
Retraining shall be administered annually, and when the following situations occur:
Changes in the workplace or the type of respirator render previous training obsolete;
Inadequacies in the employee’s knowledge or use of the respirator indicate that the employee has not retained the requisite understanding or skill; or
Any other situation arises in which retraining appears necessary to ensure safe respirator use.
The basic advisory information on respirators, as presented in Appendix D of this section, shall be provided by the employer in any written or oral format, to employees who wear respirators when such use is not required by this section or by the employer.
The employer shall ensure that an employee using a tight-fitting facepiece respirator is fit tested prior to initial use of the respirator, whenever a different respirator facepiece (size, style, model or make) is used, and at least annually thereafter.

Occupational Noise Exposure 1910.95(k)
“Training program.”
The employer shall train each employee who is exposed to noise at or above an 8-hour time weighted average of 85 decibels in accordance with the requirements of this section. The employer shall institute a training program and ensure employee participation in the program.
The training program shall be repeated annually for each employee included in the hearing conservation program. Information provided in the training program shall be updated to be consistent with changes in protective equipment and work processes.

Asbestos 1910.1001(j)
Employee information and training.
The employer shall train each employee who is exposed to airborne concentrations of asbestos at or above the PEL and/or excursion limit in accordance with the requirements of this section. The employer shall institute a training program and ensure employee participation in the program.
Training shall be provided prior to or at the time of initial assignment and at least annually thereafter.

Lead (1926.62)(l)
The employer shall train each employee who is subject to exposure to lead at or above the action level on any day, or who is subject to exposure to lead compounds which may cause skin or eye irritation (e.g., lead arsenate, lead azide), in accordance with the requirements of this section. The employer shall institute a training program and ensure employee participation in the program.
The employer shall provide the training program as initial training prior to the time of job assignment or prior to the start up date for this requirement, whichever comes last.
The employer shall also provide the training program at least annually for each employee who is subject to lead exposure at or above the action level on any day.

Portable Fire Extinguishers 1910.1577(g)
Training and education.
Where the employer has provided portable fire extinguishers for employee use in the workplace, the employer shall also provide an educational program to familiarize employees with the general principles of fire extinguisher use and the hazards involved with incipient stage fire fighting.
The employer shall provide the education required in paragraph (g)(1) of this section upon initial employment and at least annually thereafter.
The employer shall provide employees who have been designated to use fire fighting equipment as part of an emergency action plan with training in the use of the appropriate equipment.
The employer shall provide the training required in paragraph (g)(3) of this section upon initial assignment to the designated group of employees and at least annually thereafter.

Bloodborne Pathogens 1910.1030(g)
Information and Training.
The employer shall train each employee with occupational exposure in accordance with the requirements of this section. Such training must be provided at no cost to the employee and during working hours. The employer shall institute a training program and ensure employee participation in the program.
Training shall be provided as follows:
At the time of initial assignment to tasks where occupational exposure may take place;
At least annually thereafter.

Falls continue to be a leading cause of fatalities in all industries, so at the very least, you should include it in your annual training program. Additionally, Fall Protection Training continues to show up on OSHA’s Top 10 Most Cited list. While this last one isn’t required by OSHA to be completed annually, we decided to include it here because we think Fall Protection training should be regularly discussed with employees.
Fall Protection 1926.503(c)
“Training Program.”
The employer shall provide a training program for each employee who might be exposed to fall hazards. The program shall enable each employee to recognize the hazards of falling and shall train each employee in the procedures to be followed in order to minimize these hazards.
“Retraining.” When the employer has reason to believe that any affected employee who has already been trained does not have the understanding and skill required by paragraph (a) of this section, the employer shall retrain each such employee. Circumstances where retraining is required include, but are not limited to, situations where:
Changes in the workplace render previous training obsolete; or
Changes in the types of fall protection systems or equipment to be used render previous training obsolete; or
Inadequacies in an affected employee’s knowledge or use of fall protection systems or equipment indicate that the employee has not retained the requisite understanding or skill.